Results for 'Geritt K. Kimsma'

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  1.  79
    The role of family in euthanasia decision making.Geritt K. Kimsma & Evert van Leeuwen - 2007 - HEC Forum 19 (4):365-373.
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    The Role of Family in Euthanasia Decision Making.Geritt Kimsma & Evert Leeuwen - 2007 - HEC Forum 19 (4):365-373.
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  3. Death by request in The Netherlands: facts, the legal context and effects on physicians, patients and families.G. K. Kimsma - 2010 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 13 (4):355-361.
    In this article I intend to describe an issue of the Dutch euthanasia practice that is not common knowledge. After some general introductory descriptions, by way of formulating a frame of reference, I shall describe the effects of this practice on patients, physicians and families, followed by a more philosophical reflection on the significance of these effects for the assessment of the authenticity of a request and the nature of unbearable suffering, two key concepts in the procedure towards euthanasia or (...)
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    Dutch Euthanasia: Background, Practice, and Present Justifications.G. K. Kimsma & E. Van Leeuwen - 1993 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 2 (1):19.
    Dutch developments on euthanasia have drawn much attention over the years. Defenders and opponents have been telling very different stories about the practice of euthanasia and the frequency of cases, and the Dutch government has been struggling with the legal and moral problems involved. Concern about the procedures followed by physicians as well as questions on the “real” figures led the government to decide to organize an epidemiological study on the extent and the decision making. The results of the study (...)
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    Teaching Euthanasia: The Integration of the Practice of Euthanasia Into the Grief, Death, and Dying Curricula of Postgraduate Family Medicine Training.Gerrit K. Kimsma & B. J. van Duin - 1996 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 5 (1):107.
    The open practice of euthanasia in The Netherlands stood alone in the world until the government of the Northern Territories in Australia accepted the possibility of physician-assisted suicide. Even though the active ending of lives in The Netherlands is still a crime by law, the current practice allows it and acquits physicians if certain conditions have been met. Of the many facets of euthanasia, the teaching of this practice represents a further logical step. In this contribution, we intend to describe (...)
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  6. Shifts in the Direction of Dutch Bioethics: Forward or Backward?Gerrit K. Kimsma & Evert van Leeuwen - 2005 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 14 (3):292-297.
    Important bioethcs changes are underway in the Netherlands that carry, for better or worse, far-reaching social consequences. The two major areas of change involve economics and containing soaring health costs and end-of-life care as reflected in several high-profile cases: in a decision handed down by the Dutch Supreme Court on reviewing the procedures for the termination of life, in the discussion surrounding The Groningen Protocol and the active ending of lives in neonatology, and in a report of a Royal Dutch (...)
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  7.  41
    Infanticide and the Vulnerable Newborn: The Dutch Debate.G. K. Kimsma - 1993 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 2 (3):259.
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    Editorial.Gerrit K. Kimsma, Evert Van Leeuwen & David Thomasma - 1996 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 17 (4):423-423.
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  9. The human body as field of conflict between discourses.Gerrit K. Kimsma & Evert van Leeuwen - 2005 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 26 (6):559-574.
    The approach to AIDS as a disease and a threat for social discrimination is used as an example to illustrate a conceptual thesis. This thesis is a claim that concerns what we call a medical issue or not, what is medicalised or needs to be demedicalised. In the friction between medicalisation and demedicalisation as discursive strategies the latter approach can only be effected through the employment of discourses or discursive strategies other than medicine, such as those of the law and (...)
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    A Response to Shalowitz and Emanuel.G. Kimsma, K. L. Obstein & T. Chambers - 2005 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 16 (2):176-178.
  11.  46
    Comparing Two Euthanasia Protocols: The Free University of Amsterdam Academic Hospital and the Medical Center of Alkmaar.Gerrit K. Kimsma & Evert Van Leeuwen - 1996 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 5 (1):145.
    Hospital ethics committees in The Netherlands have had the unique responsibility of developing euthanasia policies for their institutions. Although each policy necessarily reflects a particular facility, family resemblances necessarily remain. In the interest of ethics committees outside The Netherlands that may soon face the same challenge, two such policies are presented here accompanied by commentary high-lighting their similarities and differences.
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    Clinical ethics in assisting euthanasia: Avoiding malpractice in drug application.Gerrit K. Kimsma - 1992 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 17 (4):439-443.
    The debate on the ethical permissibility of euthanasia in medicine has a corollary in the ethical application of drugs. The overall moral limits of medical treatment apply evenly to the moral acceptability of the pharmacological aspect of the act of euthanasia. The pharmacological aspect of the act is of ethical importance not only for the person requesting an active ending of his or her life, but also for the grieving family. Keywords: effectivity, ideal euthanaticum, patient's/family's interest, pharmacology of euthanasia, routes (...)
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  13. Physician-Assisted Death in Perspective: Assessing the Dutch Experience.Stuart J. Youngner & Gerrit K. Kimsma (eds.) - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book is the first comprehensive report and analysis of the Dutch euthanasia experience over the last three decades. In contrast to most books about euthanasia, which are written by authors from countries where the practice is illegal and therefore practised only secretly, this book analyzes empirical data and real-life clinical behavior. Its essays were written by the leading Dutch scholars and clinicians who shaped euthanasia policy and who have studied, evaluated and helped regulate it. Some of them have themselves (...)
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  14.  48
    Been There: Physicians Speak for Themselves.David A. Bennahum, Gerrit K. Kimsma & Cor Spreeuwenberg - 1993 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 2 (1):9.
    In pursuit of my ultimate objective of being in control of my self-deliverance at the time when my physical condition no longer warrants continuance, I have joined the Hemlock Society of Los Angeles. The Society urges its members to explore with their personal physicians this subject well in advance of the actual moment of necessity, and in particular the problem of acquiring a lethal dose of a drug that will provide a release consistent in quality with the degree of peace (...)
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  15.  50
    Philosophy of medical practice: A discursive approach.Evert Van Leeuwen & Gerrit K. Kimsma - 1997 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 18 (1-2):99-112.
    In spite of the seminal work A Philosophical Basis of Medical Practice, the debate on the task and goals of philosophy of medicine still continues. From an European perspective it is argued that the main topics dealt with by Pellegrino and Thomasma are still particularly relevant to medical practice as a healing practice, while expressing the need for a philosophy of medicine. Medical practice is a discursive practice which is highly influenced by other discursive practices like science, law and economics. (...)
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  16.  46
    Acting or Letting Go: Medical Decision Making in Neonatology in The Netherlands.E. van Leeuwen & G. K. Kimsma - 1993 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 2 (3):265.
    The development of neonatology and the establishment of neonatal intensive care units has led to a vast array of new medical ethical problems and dilemmas centered around discontinuing treatment or nontreatment decisions. Neonatology has become one of the fields that has made clear that medical success is only rarely nonproblematic. The new technology can be a blessing for some, but it may also become a sad experience to others, with life-long repercussions.The ethical problems of neonatology transcend national boundaries. Nevertheless, there (...)
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  17.  44
    From a Dutch Perspective: Response to “Rights of the Terminally Ill Act of the Australian Northern Territory” by Robert L. Schwartz. [REVIEW]Gerrit K. Kimsma & Evert van Leeuwen - 1996 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 5 (2):278.
  18.  9
    The Growth of Medical Knowledge.Henk A. M. J. ten Have, Gerrit K. Kimsma & Stuart F. Spicker (eds.) - 1990 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    The growth of knowledge and its effects on the practice of medicine have been issues of philosophical and ethical interest for several decades and will remain so for many years to come. The outline of the present volume was conceived nearly three years ago. In 1987, a conference on this theme was held in Maastricht, the Netherlands, on the occasion of the founding of the European Society for Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care (ESPMH). Most of the chapters of this (...)
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    Physician-Assisted Death in Perspective: Assessing the Dutch Experience. Edited by S. J. Youngner and G. K. Kimsma. Cambridge University Press, 2012, 403pp., £62. ISBN: 9781107007567. [REVIEW]Kevin Fitzpatrick - 2014 - Philosophy 89 (4):649-653.
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    Thomasma, David C., Thomasine Kimbrough-Kushner, Gerrit K. Kimsma, and Chris Ciesielksi-Carlucci, eds. Asking to Die: Inside the Dutch Debate about Euthanasia. [REVIEW]Brendan Sweetman - 2001 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 1 (2):280-282.
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  21.  21
    The mediating role of self-esteem in the relationship between childhood maltreatment and god image among Turkish Muslims.Ferdi Kıraç - 2021 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 43 (3):297-316.
    Childhood maltreatment is widespread in predominantly Muslim countries. However, the research investigating the impact of childhood maltreatment on the adult survivors’ religious and spiritual lives has mainly focused on Western Judeo-Christian samples. Considering cross-cultural differences in religious beliefs, in this study, we investigated the relationship between childhood maltreatment and god image, and the mediating role of self-esteem in a sample of Muslim Turkish adults. Eight hundred two participants completed Childhood Trauma Questionnaire–Short Form, God Perception Scale, and Self-Esteem Scale. Findings revealed (...)
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  22. A sentimentalist's Defense of Contempt, Shame and Disdain.K. Abramson - 2009 - In Peter Goldie (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Emotion. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Introduction: The Road Ahead in Kuhn Scholarship.K. Brad Wray - 2021 - In Interpreting Kuhn: Critical Essays. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 1-5.
    This Introduction provides a rationale for a collection of new paper on Thomas Kuhn. Scholarship on Kuhn has changed dramatically in the last 20 years for numerous reasons. First, scholars studying Kuhn no longer focus narrowly on Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Scholars have been giving careful consideration to Kuhn’s later work. Second, many scholars have been drawing on the vast unpublished resources at the Thomas S. Kuhn Archive at MIT. Third, with the 50th anniversary of the publication of Structure in (...)
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    Revisiting George Gaylord Simpson’s “The Role of the Individual in Evolution”.Lynn K. Nyhart & Scott Lidgard - 2021 - Biological Theory 16 (4):203-212.
    “The Role of the Individual in Evolution” is a prescient yet neglected 1941 work by the 20th century’s most important paleontologist, George Gaylord Simpson. In a curious intermingling of explanation and critique, Simpson engages questions that would become increasingly fundamental in modern biological theory and philosophy. Did individuality, adaptation, and evolutionary causation reside at more than one level: the cell, the organism, the genetically coherent reproductive group, the social group, or some combination thereof? What was an individual, anyway? In this (...)
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  25.  17
    La pensée libre et le problème de Dieu.K. Aars - 1911 - Atti Del IV Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia 3:287-288.
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  26. Une approche C++ du calcul par elements finis, Colloque national en calcul des structures, 11-14 Mai 1993, Giens.K. Aazizou, J. Besson, G. Cailletaud & F. Hourlier - forthcoming - Hermes.
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    25. Die texteskritik in Herodot’s geschichtswerk.K. Abicht - 1864 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 21 (1-4):78-100.
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    Kategorii myshlenii︠a︡ i individualʹnoe razvitie.K. A. Abishev (ed.) - 1991 - Alma-Ata: "Gylym".
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    Otchuzhdenie i problemy ėkologii: na materialakh Kazakhstana.K. A. Abishev (ed.) - 2002 - Almaty: In-t filosofii i politologii Ministerstva obrazovanii︠a︡ i nauki RK.
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  30. Econophysics: making sense of a chimera.Adrian K. Yee - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (4):1-34.
    The history of economic thought witnessed several prominent economists who took seriously models and concepts in physics for the elucidation and prediction of economic phenomena. Econophysics is an emerging discipline at the intersection of heterodox economics and the physics of complex systems, with practitioners typically engaged in two overlapping but distinct methodological programs. The first is to export mathematical methods used in physics for the purposes of studying economic phenomena. The second is to export mechanisms in physics into economics. A (...)
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  31. Entrapment and 'Paedophile Hunters'.Daniel Hill, Stephen K. McLeod & Attila Tanyi - 2021 - Public Ethics Blog.
  32.  58
    Feminist theory and intersex activism: Thinking between and beyond.Ellen K. Feder - 2021 - Philosophy Compass 16 (10):e12764.
    Intersex—the fact of bodies neither typically male nor female, together with the grim history of its medical management—was a topic for feminist theory before there was such a thing as intersex activism. Indeed, critical academic scholarship about intersex supported the consciousness raising that made an intersex activist movement possible. Activist engagement, in turn, has expanded the understanding of the theorists whose work is responsive to that activism. Central to the thinking about intersex are the questions of identity and its limits (...)
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  33.  26
    Vacancy trapping in quenched aluminium alloys.K. H. Westmacott, R. S. Barnes, D. Hull & R. E. Smallman - 1961 - Philosophical Magazine 6 (67):929-935.
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    Courteous but not curious: how doctors' politeness masks their existential neglect. A qualitative study of video-recorded patient consultations.K. M. Agledahl, P. Gulbrandsen, R. Forde & A. Wifstad - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (11):650-654.
    Objective To study how doctors care for their patients, both medically and as fellow humans, through observing their conduct in patient–doctor encounters. Design Qualitative study in which 101 videotaped consultations were observed and analysed using a Grounded Theory approach, generating explanatory categories through a hermeneutical analysis of the taped consultations. Setting A 500-bed general teaching hospital in Norway. Participants 71 doctors working in clinical non-psychiatric departments and their patients. Results The doctors were concerned about their patients' health and how their (...)
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  35. Epidemics and food security: the duties of local and international communities.Angela K. Martin - 2021 - In Hanna Schübel & Ivo Wallimann-Helmer (eds.), Justice and food security in a changing climate. Wageningen Academic Publishers. pp. 408-413.
    Over 60% of all epidemics have a zoonotic origin, that is, they result from the transmission of infectious diseases from animals to humans. The spill-over of diseases often happens because humans exploit and use animals. In this article, I outline the four most common interfaces that favour the emergence and spread of zoonotic infectious diseases: wildlife hunting, small-scale farming, industrialised farming practices and live animal markets. I analyse which practices serve human food security – and thus have a non-trivial purpose (...)
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  36.  51
    On Historical Explanation.K. Marc Wogau - 1962 - Theoria 28 (3):213-233.
  37. Abstract particulars and the philosophy of mind.K. Campbell - 1983 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 61 (2):129-41.
  38.  10
    Inference and understanding: a philosophical and psychological perspective.K. I. Manktelow - 1990 - New York: Routlege. Edited by D. E. Over.
    A review of empirical and theoretical work on reasoning and linguistic inference, which will be a useful introduction to the subject for students of language and thought. The book focuses on the relationship between what people do and what people are supposed to do when making inferences.
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  39.  28
    Ordering MAD families a la Kat?tov.Michael Hru?�K. & Salvador Garc�A.} Ferreira - 2003 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 68 (4):1337-1353.
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    The observation of a dislocation ‘Climb’ source.K. H. Westmacott, R. S. Barnes & R. E. Smallman - 1962 - Philosophical Magazine 7 (81):1585-1596.
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    Christian commitments to political nonviolence.Joyce K. Babyak - 2021 - Journal of Religious Ethics 49 (3):519-545.
    Should we as religious ethicists seek to understand what traditions other than our own or our own area of scholarship have to say about particular ethical issues as knowledge parallel to our own, or can we allow what we learn to make a difference in our own ethical positions? Writing from the perspective of Christian ethics, the author argues that we can indeed allow what we learn to inform Christian ethical evaluations and to shape ethical conclusions, with neighbor love and (...)
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    Blameworthiness and the Outcomes of One’s Actions.Ambrose Y. K. Lee - 2023 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 17 (2):271-290.
    There are at least two ways to argue for the view that the outcome of one’s actions does not affect one’s blameworthiness. The first way appeals to the ‘Control Principle’ while the second way relies on what it means to be blameworthy. The focus of this paper is on a recent attempt at pursuing this second way that relies on an account of blameworthiness dubbed the ‘Engagement View’. This paper argues, however, that the Engagement View alone is insufficient to show (...)
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  43.  37
    Worldmaking after empire: The rise and fall of self-determination.Michelle K. L. Rose - 2022 - Contemporary Political Theory 21 (4):170-174.
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    A rationalization of secondary defect structures in aluminium-based alloys.K. H. Westmacott & R. L. Peck - 1971 - Philosophical Magazine 23 (183):611-622.
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    Just health: on the conditions for acceptable and unacceptable priority settings with respect to patients' socioeconomic status.K. Baeroe & B. Bringedal - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (9):526-529.
    It is well documented that the higher the socioeconomic status (SES) of patients, the better their health and life expectancy. SES also influences the use of health services—the higher the patients' SES, the more time and specialised health services provided. This leads to the following question: should clinicians give priority to individual patients with low SES in order to enhance health equity? Some argue that equity is best preserved by physicians who remain loyal to ‘ordinary medical fairness’ in non-ideal circumstances (...)
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  46. Marx's Grundrisse.K. MARX - 1971
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  47.  68
    Ethics in sports journalism: Tightening up the code.K. Tim Wulfemeyer - 1985 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 1 (1):57 – 67.
    Many Americans don't hold journalists in very high regard these days, and sports journalists are often viewed in the least favorable light. The general public does not perceive any visible, unified, and concerted effort among sportswriters to practice their craft in a consistently ethical manner. Efforts to upgrade the craft include the Associated Press Sports Editors ethical guidelines, which cover freebies, moonlighting, community involvement by sports journalists, and commercial sponsors of sporting events. This study examines the APSE code and suggests (...)
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  48.  32
    Martensitic transformations in titanium-tantalum alloys.K. A. Bywater & J. W. Christian - 1972 - Philosophical Magazine 25 (6):1249-1273.
  49. Experimentell-psychologische Untersuchungen über das Urteil.K. Marbe - 1904 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 57:679-681.
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  50.  59
    Should we genetically test everyone for haemochromatosis?K. Allen & R. Williamson - 1999 - Journal of Medical Ethics 25 (2):209-214.
    The increasing availability of DNA-based diagnostic tests has raised issues about whether these should be applied to the population at large in order to identify, treat or prevent a range of diseases. DNA tests raise concerns in the community for several reasons. There is the possibility of stigmatisation and discrimination between those who test positive and those who don't. High-risk individuals may be identified for whom no proven effective intervention is possible, or conversely may test "positive" for a disease that (...)
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